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Ami de Coeur Messenger Bag

Messenger bag in padded nylon canvas.

Regular price $390 USD
Regular price $273 USD
One size
Messenger bag in padded nylon canvas.

Water-repellent canvas nylon
Canvas nylon lining
Ami de Coeur rivet in black matte metal
One central zipped pocket with inside patched pocket in padded mesh 
Two lateral pockets with drawstrings
Leather patched pocket on the back with embossed logo
Adjustable strap, crossbody carry
Metal hardware in vibrated silver color
Details in smooth leather
Size: 28x19x7 cm
Made in China (with love)

REF : ULL183.AW0021.281

Size Guide - BAGS

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The RWS certification of this product ensures that the wool comes from sheeps bred with respect, in pastures where practices are environmental friendly. The wool is traced all along the production chain where practices are socialy repsonsible. Ami Paris certificiation number: 233422.


The GOTS certification of this product ensures that the cotton used is organic, cultivated without GMO, pesticides, insecticides and hazardous chemicals. Practices are socialy and environmentaly responsable all along the production chain. Ami Paris certificiation number: 233422.


The GOTS certification of this product ensures that the cotton used is organic, cultivated without GMO, pesticides, insecticides and hazardous chemicals. Practices are socialy and environmentaly responsable all along the production chain. Ami Paris certificiation number: 233422.

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